Subject: VIDEO: Shaq Reebok Ad--1 Author: Clem bw Uploaded By: Clem bw Date: 12/1/1995 File: (3243004 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 16 minutes Download Count: 352 Needs: Quicktime Video Player Video clip of Reebok's computer-generated 3-D ad featuring two five-man teams of Shaquille O'Neal playing against each other. In the first spot, none of the Shaqs score because all the shots are blocked by other Shaqs. In the second spot, the multiple Shaqs end up tying the match after seven overtimes. Visual effects production by R/Greenberg Associates in New York, agency was Leo Burnett in Chicago, the director was Bob Giraldi of Giraldi Suarez. See Cover Story, "3-D Computing," September 4, 1995. QuickTime video clip by Michael Hirsch/BW